What Is Vitamin D3?

From Sustainable Source

We source Vitamin D3 from Reinder lichen that is wildcrafted in China to bring you a sustainable D3 supplement.

The Ideal Form Of Supplementation

Studies indicate the Vitamin D3 is the ideal form for supplementation since it more effectively raises overall Vitamin D levels in the body.

Vitamin D Sources

Vitamin D3 is found in plants while vitamin D3 comes from animals such as fatty fish or lanolin from sheep.

Vitmin D3 From The Sun

You can meet a portion of your Vitamin D needs through sun exposure however the efficacy is dependent on a variety of factors.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that we consume through our diet and also produce within our bodies. Vitamin D is produced by our bodies after direct sunlight exposure and and occurs naturally in only a few foods. Most people can meet a portion of their Vitamin D needs through exposure to sunlight however, the efficacy of sunlight exposure is dependent on geographical location, season, time of day, as well as age, skin color, and sunscreen use.

That’s why it’s often necessary to consume Vitamin D supplements. There are two prominent forms of dietary and supplemental Vitamin D: Vitamin D2 and D3. D2 is derived from various fortified foods as well as plant based foods like dark leafy greens, mushrooms, lichen and tofu while D3 is found in seafood, beef, and and egg products. Studies indicate the Vitamin D3 is the more nourishing option of the two since it more effectively raises overall Vitamin D levels in the blood. Vitamin D3 is is crucial for for brain development, heart function, the immune system, and mental health.

What Is The Recommended Daily Amount of Vitamin D3?

Studies recommend that people take between 400 and 4000 IU of Vitamin D3 to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels. Because vegans do not get adequate Vitamin D3 from food sources, we formulated our Multivitamin for Vegans with an intentional amount of Vitamin D3 that falls in the mid-upper range of the recommended daily dosage. We used D3 (cholecalciferol) rather than D2 (ergocalciferol) as D3 has proven to be twice as effective as D2 at raising overall Vitamin D levels.

Key Benefits of Vitamin D3

Key Benefit 1

Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium which promotes the growth and maintenance of healthy, strong bones.

Key Benefit 2

Studies suggest a link between muscle strength and high vitamin D levels, meaning Vitamin D can help to maximize muscle gain.

Key Benefit 3

Vitamin D levels may play a role in the regulation of your mood and over mental health.

Key Benefit 4

Low levels of Vitamin D may compromise your immune system so ensuring adequate consumption can help fortify your body’s defenses.

Key Benefit 5

Vitamin D3 is more effective at raising your overall Vitamin D levels, helping to enhance the vast health benefits of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D3 Benefit 1

Vitamin D appears to help you develop stronger bones and muscles; studies show a link between muscle strength and high levels of Vitamin D, suggesting that Vitamin D can help keep you lean. This is because Vitamin D increases bone density and also muscle mass, promoting both bones and braun!

Vitamin D3 Benefit 2

Research has shown that Vitamin D might play an important role in regulating your mood and decreasing the risk of seasonal affective disorder. Supplementation of Vitamin D can help you to stay feeling your best every day of the year.

Vitamin D3 Benefit 3

Vitamin D helps to keep the immune system balanced and operating efficiently. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to play a role in increased susceptibility to infection and can inhibit the proper development of healthy white blood cells that help the body to resist infection. Keeping your Vitamin D levels up will help to bolster your body’s defenses against sickness, allowing you to thrive through every turn of the season.

Why Do Vegans Need Vitamin D3?

Certain animal products are a good source Vitamin D3 with fatty fish such as trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel and fish liver oils being among the richest sources. Additionally, beef liver, egg yolks, and cheese have small amounts of Vitamin D3.

What Vegan Foods Are Rich In Vitamin D3?

Fortunately there are various sources of Vitamin D that are also suitable for vegans like fortified plant based milks and cereals, dark leafy greens, mushrooms, lichen and tofu. However, most of these plant based foods only contain Vitamin D2 which is not as effective at raising overall Vitamin D levels in the body. That’s why we’re particularly excited about lichen - a unique plant species that is formed through a symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae. Lichen contains Vitamin D3 and can be harvested with minimal negative effects on the environment, making it a better Vitamin D source for you and the planet.

Why Vegans May Need To Supplement Their Vitamin D3 Intake?

Harvard's School of Public Health reports that an estimated 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in Vitamin D. Research shows vegans are particularly at risk of deficiency; vegans have the lowest levels of D3 among any of the dietary groups since a plant based diet does not provide adequate amounts of this vitamin. Considering that plant based foods provide the less effective form of Vitamin D (D2) and only in small amounts, Vitamin D3 supplementation is highly recommended for vegans. Supplementation is an important way to avoid deficiency which can lead to weakened bone structure, increased immune issues and a greater risk of mood disorders.

Vitamin D3 Sustainability

Why Is It Important To Know Where Comes From?

It’s important to know where your Vitamin D3 comes from considering that many D3 supplements on the market are made from lanolin; a fatty substance derived from sheep’s wool. This requires the removal of wool from the sheep’s body in order to procure the waxy secretion. This lanolin then undergoes an extensive chemical process to eventually be made into a Vitamin D3 supplement.

At Terraseed, we prefer to nourish ourselves in ways that are in tune with nature and kind to all inhabitants of our planet. We believe in choosing compassion through a plant-based diet and we strive to create products that support the health of both people and our planet. If you feel the same, it’s important to dig deep into the source of your supplements to ensure the things you choose to consume are aligned with your values.

How Do We Source Vitamin D3 Sustainably?

We rely on nature to provide you with a sustainable Vitamin D3 supplement; we source Vitamin D3 from Reinder lichen that is wildcrafted in China. While this edible form of Reindeer lichen grows on rocks and trees, it is harvested from naturally fallen lichen rather than directly from the trees themselves. The lichen we use is foraged from several regions across China where foragers steward the land with care to prevent over-harvesting. By closely monitoring these ecosystems, our Vitamin D3 supplier ensures our lichen is low impact. We’re so thrilled to utilize lichen to provide a sustainable D3 supplement considering that D3 was only available from lanolin (sheep's wool) up until recently!

Vitamin D3 FAQs

What does Vitamin D3 do?

Vitamin D3 is a vital nutrient that your body needs to build and maintain a healthy bone structure. This is because it helps to absorb other key nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus. In addition to supporting optimal physical health, Vitamin D3 also plays a role in mental health, too. Research has shown that Vitamin D might play an important role in regulating your mood and decreasing the risk of seasonal affective disorder.

Is it OK to take Vitamin D3 everyday?

While it is considered safe to take vitamin D3 daily, it’s important that you talk to your doctor about the right dosage to make sure that you are meeting daily requirements instead of over or underachieving them. Factors like diet and lifestyle influence our Vitamin D3 intake so these must be taken into consideration when developing a personal supplement plan.

How much Vitamin D3 should I take daily?

The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for children up to age 12 months, 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70 years, and 800 IU for people over 70 years. Because vegans do not get adequate Vitamin D3 from food sources, we formulated our Multivitamin for Vegans with a solid dose of Vitamin D3 that falls in the mid-upper range of the recommended daily dosage.

Is Vitamin D3 supplement useful?

In short, yes - Vitamin D3 supplements are incredibly useful in supporting overall physical and mental health. This is especially true for vegans considering that many plant-based foods only contain Vitamin D2 which is not as effective at raising overall Vitamin D levels in the body.

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